Turtle Haven is 4,000 sq/ft of specifically designed habitat for a variety of turtle species from Connecticut and around the world! Guests will have the opportunity to get up close to these fascinating animals.
The Tortoise Pasture
The tortoise pasture is home to our Aldabra and African Spurred Tortoises during the warmer months of the year. The pasture is planted with native grasses that the tortoises enjoy lazily grazing on throughout the day. You may also see them snacking on mulberries under the Mulberry Tree or eating the sweet flowers of the Rose of Sharon Tree.

Red-footed Tortoise
Red-footed Tortoises love the humid Connecticut summers! These medium sized tortoises love to eat greens and sweet fruit as well as the occasional piece of meat! Our Red-footed Tortoises are more active during the morning and late afternoon, during the heat of the day you'll find them snoozing in the shade.

Turtle Pond
Our 5,000 gallon turtle pond is home to a variety of aquatic turtles! You'll see Red-eared and Yellow-bellied Sliders sunning themselves along with Eastern Painted Turtles and Northern Red-bellied Turtles. If you look carefully you may notice a Florida Softshell Turtle patrolling the bottom of the pond for food or a shy Ouachita Map Turtle poking it's head out the water to get a better look at you. The pond is also home to a large school of native Golden Shiners which help in keeping aquatic insect populations in check as well as providing food for the turtles.

Box Turtles
The Eastern Box Box Turtle is a protected species in CT, MA, and RI. Eastern Box Turtle populations are in decline because of habitat loss, habitat fragmentation, and poaching for the pet trade. Most of our Box Turtles were once pets that were either surrendered to us or confiscated by the state. These pretty little turtles can be pretty active during the day foraging for worms, slugs, and other invertebrates found in their enclosure. If you look carefully you may see a non-native Three-toed Box Turtle or Chinese Box Turtle hanging out.

Snapping Turtle
Our Common Snapping Turtle has a 1200 gallon pond all to himself! Male Common Snapping Turtles can be quite territorial, so he prefers it that way. He was born in 2006 and weighs around 20-pounds. For a large turtle he is great at hiding! You'll have to look carefully in his pond to find him, he's usually sleeping on the bottom of the pond or lurking just below the water plants.